Fayetteville’s charming downtown will be transformed into a magical world for Fayetteville’s Wizard Weekend January 29-31. Experience a magical weekend with fun for all ages. Stay tuned as we update the schedule.
This year’s festival will look different with new COVID-19 precautions. COVID -19 guidelines will be in place and must be followed including wearing masks and social distancing. The majority of activities will take place outdoors and involve walking around town to allow for more social distancing. Participants will want to check the weather before attending to dress accordingly. Outdoor activities are subject to change and can be canceled in the case of severe weather. This year we will have more self-guided activities where groups can explore things on their own including a wizard themed scavenger hunt through town. There will be workshops like wand making and potions classes. Enjoy wizard themed shops through town and magical treats.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Gold Snitch Sponsor:
The Gaines Estate
Wizard Sponsors: Kobe Asian Fusion, Adventures on the Gorge, Escape- A-Torium, The Station, Active Southern WV, Town of Fayetteville, Fayetteville Merchants
Sorting Ceremony
Onewheel Quidditch
Magical Shops
Scavenger Hunt
and more!!

Contactless map can be downloaded on your phone or click below to print at home.Wizard WeekendDownload
Wizard Weekend Schedule
3pm-6pm Scavenger Hunt Fayetteville Visitor Center
3pm-6pm Care of Magical Creatures Scavenger Hunt at Fayetteville Visitor Center
Begin the scavenger hunt by collecting your clues at the Fayetteville Visitor Center. The clues will lead you through town in and around shops. Return your list to the visitor center for a small prize while supplies last.
4pm-6:30pm Walk Through Sorting Ceremony Fayetteville Visitor Center Porch
9am-3pm Scavenger Hunt Fayetteville Visitor Center
9am-3pm Care of Magical Creatures Scavenger Hunt at Fayetteville Visitor Center
Begin the scavenger hunt by collecting your clues at the Fayetteville Visitor Center. The clues will lead you through town in and around shops. Return your list to the visitor center for a small prize while supplies last.
12pm-4pm Main Event Outdoor Activities at the Walnut Grove at The Gaines Estate (located behind conference building) Enter the Gaines Estate through Gate on Maple Ave. Right past Pies & Pints on the left. Exit the property on gravel road exiting at the Fayetteville PK-8 parking lot.
Wand Making
Potions Class
Spell Casting
Obstacle Course
Enchanted Forest Mission with Escape- A- Torium(Reservations Required)
Quidditch Open Play
2pm Costume Contest – Gaines Estate
Dress as your favorite character for a chance to win a prize. We will have a best costume category for adults, children, and the best family or group costume category. Line up will be located on the sidewalk below the Walnut Grove behind the conference building.
12pm-3pm Enchanted Forest Mission with Epic Escape- A- Torium Reservations Required
7pm Feast The Gaines Estate ($Ticketed Reservations Required ) Conference building Gaines Estate
9am-2pm Wizard Scavenger Hunt Fayetteville Visitor Center
9am-2pm Care of Magical Creatures Scavenger Hunt Fayetteville Visitor Center
Begin the scavenger hunt by collecting your clues at the Fayetteville Visitor Center. The clues will lead you through town in and around shops. Return your list to the visitor center for a small prize while supplies last.
1pm UPDATE-CANCELED DUE TO WET FIELD- One Wheel Quidditch Game at the old Fayetteville Elementary Football Field off of High Street. Game is dependent on weather, the field must be dry for the safety of our participants. Social distancing and masks required with plenty of room to spread out around the field.
Join us at the old Fayetteville Elementary Football Field for our annual Onewheel Quidditch tournament sponsored by Water Stone Outdoors.
Stay tuned as we update the schedule
Wizard Weekend Participates
Wild Art & Wonderful Things – Wizard themed items for sale, themed treats, and wizard decor.
The Great Googly Moogly – Wizardly Wonders-crystals, sage, mystical supplies. Donnica Shaw will be set up out front of the store reading tarot cards and doing palm readings($)
Fayetteville Visitor Center-Information and Shop of Mystical Creatures
Escape-A-Torium– Hosting a mission in the enchanted forest at the Gaines Estate (Reservations Required)
Hobbit Hole –Junk Shop
Fayette County National Bank– Themed decor
Fayetteville Town Hall– Themed decor
The Stache– Wizard Sweets- themed decor, edible wands, house-themed sundaes, and magical hot chocolates
The Station – Slug & Jiggers Apothecary. Buy all your potion supplies such as dragon scales and unicorn horns.
Pie’s & Pints – Visitors in costume receive 15% off food. Does not include Alcohol.
Southside Junction Tap House– Wizard Sangria specials
Enjoyed Again– Wizard merchandise stickers and handmade wands
Cathedral Cafe– Butter Beer lattes
Studio B-
Fire Creek BBQ & Steaks–
The Pink Pig–
Lost Appalachia Trading Co–
Junk & Treasures– Broom Shop
Wood Iron Eatery-
The Great Feast at The Gaines Estate

We are pleased to invite you to Wizard Weekend’s Great Feast at The Gaines Estate. Come dine under the shadows of our enchanted candles and among your favorite wizards, both past and present. The tables will be laden with all of your favorite foods of the wizarding world. Join us for this bewitchingly fun and filling feast at promptly 7:00pm on Saturday. We look forward to your RSVP way of owl. Ticket price is $60 and $30 for ages 10 and under. Please call 304-237-2193 to make reservations. The Great Feast will be held in the pavilion located directly behind the Gaines Estate house. Each meal will be served family style by reservation and catered by Dobra Zupas. The ticket price includes dinner, tax and gratuity. Dinner begins at 7pm. Doors open 30 minutes prior to reservation.
The event will follow all current safety guidelines set forth by our county health department. Each reservation will have their own table. Tables will be socially distanced at 6ft a part. The pavilion will be operating at half-capacity, and event and catering staff will go through a health screening before working. Masks are required inside the pavilion while standing, but guests are permitted to take them off when seated at their table.
The Escape-A-Torium’s Forbidden Forest Adventure

Where: Gains Estate Wizard Festivities Site
Who: You and your friends are wizard/witch students at Hogwarts
What: You need to get to Hagrid’s House. He says he’s found a dragon’s egg, but it’s locked inside a box that requires a special spell to open. Oh and one more thing…he’s left the box in the Forbidden Forest where his giant brother Grawp is guarding it. He needs your help retrieving the egg before it hatches!
When: Pre registration required! Meet Filch at your designated time.
- Only 12 reserved spots are available every 15 minutes from 12pm-2:30pm
- No more than groups of 6 participants per group total
- Masks are required
- Dress for the weather…wizarding must go on rain or shine
- This event is free for all true wizards/witches
- We expect it to take at least 30 minutes of your time.
To reserve a time slot click the link below. Your group must preregister for this event. Your group can have no more than 6 people.
Fun Stops
The Station Market

It’s starting to feel magical in here!! Preparations are underway as we transform into the go-to apothecary where young witches and wizards can get everything they need for mixing potions and casting spells during Fayetteville’s Wizard Weekend.
Wood Iron Eatery
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Firecreek BBQ & Steaks
Featured drink special~ Drowsy Dumbledore
Magical weekend in the coolest small town! Wizard weekend! Firecreek will be serving up Three-toed Toad Toes, magical drinks and a feast sure to please everyone!

The Stache

Happy Wizarding Weekend, folks! Stop by the Stache for a Magical Unicorn Special Sundae, Hot Chocolate in your house colors, and your choice of edible wands!
The Great Googly Moogly
Selfie Platform and all Wizard Supplies


best place to score a last minute costume.