We want to highlight some of the positive things going down in town this week to bring a smile to your face. Thank you to all the essential folks and helpers who are serving on the front lines and supporting our community!
Maggie’s Pub Opening

We are excited to see Maggie’s Pub opening back up and to see Mayor Norman in person.
A word from Maggie’s Pub
We can operate at 50% capacity. We have a feeling we might have to turn people away after being filled so maybe call ahead or message us on our Facebook to see # of crowd. We are NOT taking reservations. First come, first served. Also, don’t be butt hurt if we end up having to turn you away. We never would normally but we are following guidelines.
All employees will be wearing a mask.
We have went to using plastic cups and whatnot for everyone’s safety.
There will be a drink runner bringing your drinks so no use to crowd the inside Pub area. Find a spot outside in our yard area and we will gladly bring drinks to you.
We have spaced out everything a little farther outside so we can continue Social Distancing. Be courteous to others and give them their space.
We are extremely EXCITED to have people back and to see everyone’s lovely faces! CHEERS!
Escape- A- Torium Opens

Doors Reopen This Friday with our Covid Cautious Schedule. Every game is a private game! Covid making $ tight? Enter promo code “Fauci” and save $5. Offer good through June 30th. Every escape will be private with a maximum of 6 players.
* Our theme schedule will ensure no overlap of participants.
* You will have the Escape-A-Torium to yourselves. Your theme and public spaces will be wiped down after each adventure.
Fayetteville Farmers Market This Saturday

The Fayette County Farmers Market will be set up in the Fayette Courthouse Parking lot for the next two Saturdays from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Come stock up on a variety of fresh goodies from breads to veggies and meats.
Active Southern WV Celebrates Bike Month

May is Bike Month and Active Southern WV invites you to celebrate by participating in the Active SWV Bike Month Photo Contest.
1 – Private message your images to our facebook page along with a description, your name, and mailing address.
2 – We will have a panel of judges select the winners and announce by sharing the bike entry gallery at the end of May. *By sending your photos, you agree to having them reposted by Active SWV.
3 – Each photo submission earns an entry into the contest.
4 – Winners will receive an Active SWV prize bag with bike goodies.
Show us why you love to bike southern West Virginia!
Bike Month is sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists and celebrated in communities from coast to coast. Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling and encourage more folks to giving biking a try.
MoveYourWay #BikeMonth #ActiveSWV
Share Your Good News
If you have good news you want to share, we want to hear it. Thanks for delivering on the good news. #fayettevillewvstrong
New River Yoga Studio Classes
~Monday 7pm with Candace at the studio.
~Tuesday 9-10am with Candace at AOTG pool deck.
~Tuesday 5:30 with Geoff through Zoom.
~Wednesday 9am High Fitness with Sarah Edwards at the Studio.
~Wednesday 5-6pm with Janet through Zoom.
~Thursday 5:30-6:30 with Candace, Yoga on the Courthouse lawn.
~Thursday 6-7pm with Aimee Rise through Zoom.
~Friday at noon with Lila in her yard! What a treat.
~Sunday 9-10am Yoga on the Gorge, this week is Candace.
This class has rotating teachers.
Hope to see you! Our little studio is struggling, please attend a class or help spread the word. Thank you.
New River Gorge Learning Co-op Chrysalis Students Are Building Up The Community
The Chryalis students at the New River Gorge Learning Co-op are working on projects using reclaimed materials as a fundraiser. If you have an idea or see something you the team is taking bids for building projects.