We want to highlight some of the positive things going down in town this week to bring a smile to your face. Thank you to all the essential folks and helpers who are serving on the front lines and supporting our community!
Today is the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth. Juneteenth dates back to 1865 combining June and 19, the day the slaves were actually freed in Texas, two and a half years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Learn More
Support Local Black-owned Businesses
We can offer support for local black-owned businesses. We would love to expand on this list of businesses, shoot us an email at info@visitfayettevillewv.com to be added to the list. Thank you to Ashley Hawkins for compiling this list. We want to hear from our community. Let us know of ways we can offer better support and work for positive changes moving forward in our community.
West Virginia Soul West Virginia Soul is a small mobile soul food business with menu items varying each day.
SWEETZ DA SNACKERY Owned by Gregory Waters– 259 S. Heber Street, Beckley, WV 25801 (681)207-3124
Jamaican Joe’s – 1055 S Fayette Street, Beckley, WV 25801. (681)220-8981
San’s Hair Loft – 1047 S. Fayette Street, Beckley, WV 25801 (304) 253-1412 (I recommend Veronica Coats Haskins🥰)
Seans Shave Cave – 1207 1/2 S. Kanawha St., Beckley, WV 25801 (304)222-8888 (I recommend Sean Beckley Barber 🥰)
Game Room– 2327 S. Oakwood Ave., Beckley, WV 25801 (681)207-5058
Miss Bea’s (tarts & candles)
Brian Christopher Brown (Realtor)
Hair Maxx- 108 N. Vance Dr., Beckley, WV 25801. (304)252-6622
Carnella Davis– Makeup Artist IG: @blk.tink
Myriah Montgomery– Makeup Artist IG: @myriahnikole
Pub-Licity – 327 Neville Street, Beckley, WV 25801. (681)222-0822
KampusKutz– 430 G Street, Beckley, WV 25801 (681)207-7453
TR Tax– 1206 S. Kanawha Street #1, Beckley, WV 25801 (304)255-2113
Yesterday’s- 281 Doctor Lane, Beckley, WV 25801 (304)253-3564
Powell and Cousins Properties LLC
Kirkpatrick Law Office, PLLC- 348 N. Kanawha St., Beckley, WV 25801 (304)254-2260 http://davidkirkpatricklaw.com/
Wilbert A. Payne, Attorney- 340 S. Fayette Street, Beckley, WV 25801 (304)252-6478
The Brain Training Center WV– 129 Main St., Beckley, WV 25801 (304)278-3338
Topnotchtutu_ (tutus) Owned by TyJhea Grandjean– also check out her personal hair page on IG: @TwiceTheBeauty_
Oak Hill Hometown Pharmacy (serves the Beckley community)Owned by Martin Njoku- 819 E Main Street, Beckley, WV 25801 (304)465-0222
Shakiyla Shak Singleton Owner of Shak’s Kountry Kitchen (food delivery & catering services) SKKitchen.Catering@gmail.com (304)719-9455
Jay Howards Owner of Jay Howards Photography
Darrel Hughes (Tanisha Mullins Hughes) Owner of 3D&Z Photographer.
Shilohsmom Carson Owner of Queen Hair Collection & Creatively Carson’s Creations
Wallace Yard Work Michael Wallace
Realtor Anthony Hosea
Jonathan Harbison– Yard & Lawn Work
Connie’s Sweet Treats(cakes &deserts)- Owned by LaKisha Allen Harville conniessweettreats.com – lakisha.page@yahoo.com (304)923-6924
A’Lee Upholstery- www.aleeupholsteryllc.com (304)573-7810
Kristi Williams Dumas Mental Health www.dumaspsychologycollective.com
The Neat Freak- cleaning/moving Owned by Margaret Grandjean
Stephen Thompson– Yard & Lawn Work
Asia Brown– Cosmetologist, Lash Tech, and Hair.
Local History Resources
West Virginia Tourism Virtual Road Trip
Fayetteville is a stop on West Virginia Tourism’s Virtual Road Trip Tour today. Make sure you are sharing your Fayetteville adventures today by us using #AlmostHeaven to participate.

West Virginia Day
Saturday, June 20, marks the 157th anniversary of West Virginia’s statehood, and we’re ready to celebrate! What better way to celebrate than planning a trip to the mountains. Our friends at the New River Gorge CVB have put together a list of twenty different things to do to enjoy West Virginia Day, the New River Gorge way with a few Fayetteville favorites.
Voting Continues for USA Today Top Adventure Town

Fayetteville is nominated for Best Small Town For Adventure for USA TODAY! We are one of the top 20 adventure towns chosen and you can help choose the top 10 by voting once everyday for your favorite small town. Voting continues until Monday, June 29 at noon. The 10 winning towns will be announced on Friday, July 10th. We are also proud to say this lovely image featured on USA Today is from local photographer rock star Molly Wolff!
Historic Fayette Theater Virtual Performances
We Are Coming Back …. In A New & Exciting Different Way:
Throughout the nation, the arts world has responded to the limitations of the COVID 19 crisis with creative solutions to presenting performances. The Historic Fayette Theater has joined in this effort and is going to begin presenting innovative, on-line performances starting in July.
“We realized that we could not offer the theatre season we had planned,” stated HFT President, Jack Crosier. “While it would be possible to limit audience numbers and seat groups socially distant from other groups, it would not be possible to keep the actors socially distant backstage.” Crosier went on to say that while all on-stage concerts and theatre performances at the Historic Fayette Theatre would be cancelled for the year, the Theatre will begin presenting theatrical performances on-line.
The first play on Zoom that will be presented will be directed by HFT veteran Gene Worthington. The play, Virtual Complaint Department and Lemonade, is a comedy written specifically for the Zoom platform. “This is an opportunity for our community theatre group to participate in an activity they love and learn a whole new technology.” Worthington went on to say that video conferencing platforms have developed fresh and inventive ways to enjoy the performing arts. “Audiences and performers alike will have the chance to share in this new experience.” Worthington added.
Virtual Complaint Department and Lemonade will be performed this July, specific dates to be determined. Additional shows may include a Halloween and a Christmas performance. “Of course we are anxious to be able to perform on stage in front of live audience again,” stated Worthington, “But who knows? Maybe there will be a continued place for virtual performances in the future.” Worthington speculated about the possibility of bringing audiences to the computer who can’t travel far or don’t want to be out because of bad weather. “It could be a benefit for rural communities like ours.”
Tickets for on-line shows will be $5.00 and will be available on PayPal. At this time, the physical box office will not be open. For more information, contact the Historic Fayette Theater at (304) 574-4655 or check out their Facebook page

Rock Kindness

We are hosting a community art project at the Fayetteville Visitor Center. Help us spread the love by painting rocks with us. The rocks will be placed around the kiosk at the visitor center. We encourage you to create images that promote kindness and love. Feel free to write positive messages. We are hoping to create a rainbow of colors. We encourage all ages to participate. We will have a no contact rock drop off box on the visitor center porch. If you need access to paint and supplies shoot us a message and we can get you supplies to join in the fun. We will be collecting rocks all month long.
Fayetteville Farmers Market This Saturday

The Fayette County Farmers Market will be set up in the Fayette Courthouse Parking lot for this Saturday from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Come stock up on a variety of fresh goodies from breads to veggies and meats.
Summer Fun In The Park

WHERE: Fayetteville’s Town Park
WHAT: Outdoor Activities for Kids
Read Aloud- reading in the park
Fayette County Bookmobile
FREE Lunch-to-go provided by Coda
Active Southern West Virginia’s Obstacle Course – June 16
WHEN:Activities will be planned for each Tuesday for the rest of the Summer!
First session: 10am-12pm
Second session: 12 noon to 2 pm
If you would like to reserve space for your child, please contact one of the individuals below via email.
Grand Opening Of The Pink Pig

The grand opening of The Pink Pig! Come out and enjoy some awesome food, great people, and live music from Burnsville Drive! Today from 6pm to 9pm. The Pink Pig is located in the old gas station formerly the Courtstreet Market at 145 Court St. in Fayetteville.
New River Yoga Studio Classes
~Monday 7pm with Candace at the studio.
~Tuesday 9-10am with Candace at AOTG pool deck.
~Tuesday 5:30 with Geoff through Zoom.
~Wednesday 9am High Fitness with Sarah Edwards at the Studio.
~Wednesday 5-6pm with Janet through Zoom.
~Thursday 5:30-6:30 with Candace, Yoga on the Courthouse lawn.
~Thursday 6-7pm with Aimee Rise through Zoom.
~Friday at noon with Lila in her yard! What a treat.
~Sunday 9-10am Yoga on the Gorge, this week is Candace.
This class has rotating teachers.
Hope to see you! Our little studio is struggling, please attend a class or help spread the word. Thank you.
Town of Fayetteville Announces 4th of July Festivities at Heritage Festival
Make plans to attend the 4th of July celebration in the Town of Fayetteville. Looking forward to seeing everyone and remember to space out to protect each other

Share Your Stories
We want to see your adventures in Fayetteville, share your adventures by tagging us at #visittheville.

Updated Restaurant & Retail List
Opening Status 6/19
Lafayette Flats Updated Food Guide
Our friends at Lafayette Flats have updated their handy food guide.
We updated our Fayetteville Food Guide today to include a new restaurant that opens this weekend! Get your download with live links here >>> https://lafayetteflats.com/fayetteville-food-guide
We love our little slice of almost heaven and our community is what makes this place so special. Over the coming weeks and months, our favorite restaurants, shops, places to stay and places to play in our beloved town are going to see a decline in visitors. Our little town is dependent on tourism so we are especially going to take a hit. Our small businesses need us now more than ever. #Fayettevillewvstrong is a movement to support our town and community.
You can help in lots of ways: ordering food to go, shopping online, tipping well, buy a gift card, leave a positive review, or just spread the word about your favorite small business and the #fayettevillewvstrong campaign. We are an outdoorsy close-knit town and we will be utilizing our strengths. You will see more businesses utilizing outdoor spaces. Please be patient with us as we navigate new changes and try to keep each other safe.