Earth Day Tree Planting New Roots Community Farm

TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 AT 10 AM
We are gearing up at the farm in preparation for Fayetteville’s Earth Day event!
Come join us at New Roots Community Farm with support from West Virginia State University Extension and our community partners to help plant fruit trees and varieties of windbreaks.Please bring your own water bottles, gloves, snacks, hats, sunscreen, etc. We practice social distancing and wear masks in this space.Tree Planting Schedule
10:00am Meet at the big red barn and park in designated area
10:15 WVSU Extension Intro
10:30ish Break out into groups
Please fill out WVSU Ex survey to register:
This event will last a couple of hours depending on the volunteer rate.
For more information, please contact
Earth Day Highway Clean Up

THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2021 AT 11 AM EDT – 2 PM
The team is heading out to clean along Route 16 from the Fayetteville intersection to Balls Grocery Store.Join us to keep WV wild and wonderful and help clean up your town for Earth Day!Meet us at Balls Grocery Parking Lot between 11am – 2pm to grab your supplies then head out!Drinks, snacks, and clean up equipment will be provided.Meet us between 11am-2p
Message for details or contact our coordinator
Fayetteville Community-Wide Clean-Up
APR 23 AT 8 AM EDT – APR 24 AT 3 PM

Fayetteville Earth Day with Generation NRG

This festival celebrates the springtime renewal and revitalization in West Virginia’s mountains. You will be able to visit various arts, craft, retail, and artisan food, vendors. Feast your eyes on beautiful paintings and pottery, locally-made soaps, jewelry, and much more! The day kicks off with community yoga on the Court House lawn, followed by educational activities promoting environmental protection, local businesses, kids games, and interactive booths, and ending with local live music in downtown! The farmer’s market is open all day, selling fresh, locally grown treats including baked goods, coffee, spices, and herbal remedies.The week of Earth Day we will have several opportunities to give back to your community! Highway clean-up, Town clean-up, River clean-up, and Tree Planting at the New Roots Community Farm!We are excited with the county-wide Earth Day Celebration! Make sure to check out the other Earth Day Events around our area as well. Stay tuned for more information regarding the clean-ups!
We are making this event as safe as possible! Please make sure you are masked while enjoying the event!
Full Schedule of EventsEarth-Day-Vendor_-Info-PacketDownloadMusical-Educational-Performance-Schedule-Download

Hazardous Waste Disposal With West Virginia Department of Agriculture
Saturday, April 24, 2021 9am-3pm Parking lot off Wiseman Ave. by Fayette courthouse
The Hazardous Waste Disposal will be located in the parking lot off Wiseman Ave. (Courthouse parking lot) from 9am-3pm on April 24th. Disposal is strictly limited to pesticides and herbicides sponsored by the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. Jenna Grayson is heading up this project.p
Trash’ion Show
Saturday, April 24, 2021 12:30pm

Our Trashion Fashion Show is a fun, creative competition in which participants use their imagination and design skills to create and exhibit a wearable garment using materials that otherwise would be discarded. It’s time to think “outside the recycle bin” to transform trash or recyclables into inventive and stylish fashion. Celebrate Creative Fashion. Promote Waste Reduction. Put together your best trash outfit! Hosted by the owners of Thread in Downtown Fayetteville. Starts at 12:30, please meet before 12:15 at Thread for sign-ups. Think of a quick description of your outfit, who made it, what you used, and how long it took! The Crowd Favourite of our Trashion Show will win a $50 Thread gift card!!
Community Clean-up Day Ansted
SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 2021 AT 8 AM EDT – 12 PM
Join us for a city wide clean-up day! Registration forms will be available at Town Hall beginning the week of March 22,2021 as well as at the Gazebo the day of clean-up! Anyone who registers and attends will be entered to win a cash prize! Prize amounts of $25, $50, and $75 will be awarded!Gloves and trash bags will be provided.*Trash must be in town provided bags, and not household items to be entered for the drawing.
New River Clean Up

SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 2021 AT 8:30 AM EDT
We’re partnering with the New River Conservancy for the third year in a row to do a trash pickup of the beloved New River! PLEASE REGISTER IN THE LINK ABOVE BY TUESDAY APRIL 20th. We need to get a headcount to make sure we have enough boats, food, and materials.Cathedral Café has generously offered to provide snacks for volunteers. The clean-up will start at 9, so we’ll be meeting at a TBD location to set a shuttle. Folks should plan to spend 5ish hours on the water.We’d like everyone to dress for cool weather and for covid safety, so wear closed-toe shoes, bring extra water, and bring a mask to wear for the shuttle ride.We will be able to follow social distancing guidelines because each person gets their own water craft and cleaning tools.Volunteers will be provided extra water, gloves, bags, tire J-hooks and trash pinchers.
Fayette County Earth Day Celebration
April 1-30
Month Long Celebrations
Join us for a county-wide Earth Day celebration, celebrating all month long. There will be an Earth Day photo scavenger hunt with photo-op stops in communities spread across the county through the month of April. Participants will have a chance to score prizes from Fayette County businesses for participating in the hunt. Click the link below to download a checklist for all the stops. In addition to the county-wide scavenger hunt, there will be fun ways to celebrate Earth Day throughout the month of April with tree plantings, activities, clean-ups, and more going on throughout Fayette County.

FAYETTE-COUNTY-EARTH-DAY Scavenger Hunt Checklist Download