Event Series Farm Volunteer Days

Farm Volunteer Days

New Roots Community Farm

Join us for volunteer work days 9am-4pm every Tuesday from April- November. This is a great opportunity to connect with other community members, and enjoy the outdoors. Bring water, snack, […]

Fayetteville Tai Chi for Arthritis

Fayette County Health Department 5495 Maple Ln, Fayetteville, WV, United States

Join Community Captain Teresa for Tai Chi for arthritis. Registration to any Active SWV free programming indicates acceptance of our liability waiver for every adult and child attending. https://activeswv.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Release-Assumption-of-Risk-and-Indemnity-Agreement-Please-Read-Carefully-A-separate-form-must-be-completed-for-each-adult-and-minor-I-or-the-MINOR-identified-below-who-is-less-than-18-years-o-1.pdf Active […]

New River Yoga – Foundation and Alignment, Slow and Controlled.

New River Yoga Studio Fayetteville, WV, United States

All bodies welcome. This yoga class will teach you about Foundation and Alignment that you need to know in each of the yoga postures.  Candace keeps the class light and fun.  She will lead you through a series of poses that will make you feel lighter on your feet and brighter in your being.